Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hi, this is Maddie. Today we spent the day with my aunt Kathy and my two cousins. We went to the Museum of Air and Space and the National Portrait Museum. I liked the Portrait Museum the best because we got to see the official portraits of all the presidents, including George Washington. At the Air and Space Museum we saw the Lunar Lander and a replica of Skylab, where three astronauts lived for up to 84 days. We saw where they slept, worked, ate, and their shower and bathroom. It looked really small to live in for that long. The Lunar Lander was really cool. We saw the ladder the astronauts came down to walk on the moon. Also, we saw a replica of the base part of the Lunar Lander that is still on the moon. Another a great part of today was hanging with my cousins and pushing them in their stroller. They are fun to be with. We had a fun day, but I am tired and ready for bed. Good night!!

Hi, this is Mackenzie.

We had another great day today. Our cousins were still in town and we had a lot of fun with them. We pushed their stroller around on the Mall and in the Museum of Air and Space and at the National Portrait Gallery. We took a tour of the National Air and Space Museum and it was really cool. Our docent (the guy who gave us a private tour) was named Bob. He was really nice. He showed us the Lunar Lander with a replica of the base unit and the capsule that carried the astronauts. It looked totally claustrophobic. I don’t think I am cut out to be an astronaut. We also saw a replica of Skylab. We say the chamber that the astronauts lived in for 84 days. We say the exercise area for the astronauts’ use as their muscles atrophied in space since they did not have to use them to move around. After that we saw World War II airplanes. They were pretty cool, and each successful mission was painted on the side of the airplanes. One plane we say flew over 200 missions. How scary!! We also unmanned aircraft that are in use in the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We have a full day tomorrow, with Arlington and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a good day in school.


KO said...

Enjoy Arlington in peace and quiet. We will try to be quiet for one minute, okay, one second and think of you at the tomb of the unknown soldier.

We had a great time, thanks again for sharing your wonderful trip with us.

Adam asked if we could go back after school, so keep an eye open, for two crazy kids in a stroller.

Unknown said...

Hi Mac and Mad! Your blog is wonderful and I love reading it. Have a great day today. Sounds like you are really getting a lot of history along with fun.

Papa and I are in Arizona and it seems just like yesterday we were celebrating his birthday. I am off to tennis later this morning. It is my goal to work on my game this year!!

Enjoy your day. Love you all Blainey